Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Components of Predation as Revealed by a Study of Small-Mammal Predation of the European Pine Sawfly, by C. S. Holling (1959)

C. S. Holling proposes to create a comprehensive theory that breaks down predation into two basic components: 1) functional response, or change in number of prey consumed per predator as prey density rises; and 2) numerical response, or change in density of predators as prey density rises. The two main variables he considers are prey density and predator density.

Holling calls the calculation of rate of growth without considering limiting factors “whimsy.” He comments that several researchers (including Nicholson, of the 1934 paper we read on parasite-host dynamics) have focused too myopically on various aspects of predation, and states a need for a more general theory.

Approach: Holling combines field and laboratory experiments. His model system has the advantage that it avoids many complications. In the field, three small mammals prey on one cocooned insect in an even layer of pine needles, under a uniform canopy of pines. The three main predators are the masked shrew (Sorex), the short-tail shrew (Blarina), and the deer mouse (Peromyscus). In the laboratory, variables that are constant in the field could be varied to extend the scope of the results.

In the field, Holling and his associates sample and estimate mammal and cocoon numbers from areas of different prey densities caused by spraying viruses of differing concentrations. In the lab, they vary prey density and the amount and type of alternate food available. The number of prey eaten, in addition to the identity of each predator, can be determined from scrutinizing the marks on the opened cocoons.

Results for basic components: In Figure 1, the functional responses of the three predator species are plotted against prey density. As the density of prey rises, the number of cocoons opened increases in an “S” curve for each predator, which levels out at different densities. The rate of increase is greatest for Blarina, least for Peromyscus, and Sorex is between the two. Analysis of Peromyscus stomach contents in the field, as well as functional response in the lab, support these data.

Figure 3 plots numerical response, or predator density against prey density. Increasing prey density apparently has an effect on prey density for two species. Holling states that for these two species, Sorex and Peromyscus, he has demonstrated that predator density is a “response” to prey density, but as he does not mention any correlation calculations or p-values, we would be justified in remaining skeptical about whether a causal relationship has been established.

The effect of predator density is tested briefly. Different densities do not result in different functional responses, so predator density is not taken into account in the totals for Figure 4.

In Figure 4, Holling combines the functional and numerical “responses” for each species by multiplying them, converts them to percentages, and plots them against prey density. Each shows a peaked curve, which in Blarina only reflects the functional response, since it showed no numerical response.

Results of varying subsidiary components:
Figure 5 is an aesthetically pleasing 3-D graph, showing that one deer mouse does not eat as many cocooned saw flies when they are buried deeper in the sand as when they are buried shallower. Figure 6 shows that one deer mouse decreases its saw fly consumption less when dog biscuits (unpalatable) are available than when sunflower seeds (palatable) are available.

Figure 7 is a theoretical model showing regulation of prey by predators. A horizontal line marks the ranges in percent predation where the prey birth rate = prey death rate. He states that regulation happens “when there is a rise in percent predation over some range of prey densities and an effective birth-rate that can be matched at some density by mortality from predators.” In his rambling discussion, Holling considers various models that have been proposed for oscillations of animal populations. He mentions Nicholson and Bailey’s prediction that oscillations in host (prey) numbers will increase in amplitude, and suggests that small mammal predation (in Holling’s system) can damp oscillations in prey population through the functional and numerical responses.

Holling compares his results to other systems explaining predator-prey interactions, with emphasis on Errington’s concept of compensatory predation. He then postulates four major types of predation in Figure 8, based on combining four different functional response curves with three types of numerical response.

1. What do you think of Holling’s use of the term “anthropocentric”? Do you think he is successful in making his focus more objective?

2. What is the main point of this paper? What has Holling actually said, other than that small mammals eat more food when more food is available until they are full, and also sometimes congregate where there is more food?

3. Is statistical analysis really completely absent from this paper?

4. Holling describes various oscillating populations at some length in his discussion, but none of his graphs show oscillations. Why?


  1. This paper was neat in the way it combined original field and experimental data, along with theoretical/conceptual models of predation. I agree the discussion was rambling, but did have some very thoughtful parts.

    As for the questions:
    1) I think Holling uses "anthropocentric" in the somewhat odd sense of describing an explanation for a phenomenon without data or true mechanistic explanation.
    2) In this paper Holling seem to go further than most before him to examine the components of predation and how they actually regulate prey populations. He introduces the numerical and functional response concepts, as well as the different types of functional response. And he illustrates these new concepts by applying them to his field and laboratory data, which act as nice illustrations. Some of these things seem obvious in retrospect, but apparently that hadn't been conceptualized as such before, and he puts it all together in a nice framework with data.
    3) Holling doesn't use stats in a traditional hypothesis-testing way, but statistical concepts are present in his figures and table (e.g. in scatter around curves fit to data, means, SE, N, % etc.). In general the paper feels a bit more exploratory and illustrative in its use of data than most of what you'd see today.
    4) It's like that predator densities in Holling's study system are high enough to "regulate" prey, in which case oscillations won't be evident (I'm not sure why, but he says it's so); even without predator regulation, predators might be dampening oscillations to the point that they're indiscernible.

    The concept of population regulation seems key here (e.g. Holling says only density dependent factors can truly regulate), but I don't quite understand what it means for a population to be "regulated." There seems to be some disagreement here with Anrewartha & Birch, the latter of whom we know showed how temperature can determine population growth rates.

    A final thought: How did Holling come up with such a perfect experimental system in which to test these ideas? Was he an entomologist working in pine plantations and saw the opportunity to test more general ideas? Or did he seek out the experimental system that met certain criteria? Or did he just get lucky and stumble on a system allowing him work on his ideas? Aspiring scientist would love to know that secret!

  2. Always a fan of the predator/prey papers, but I would have to disagree with Dunbar that this paper finds a "perfect experimental system". Yes, Holling finds a very apt system to test his hypothesis on, but I feel that it's still far from perfect as a representation of predation. Using rodents as your study organism in a paper about predation is like using mushroom hunting on a paper about tracking big game. There are so many blatently ignored factors that go into predation at a level above simply eating whatever you can find.

  3. This paper did a nice job of combining field work and lab work to reach a broad conclusion on the role of density dependence in predator-prey dynamics. The paper read like a modern paper with really well defined sections and lots of detail on sampling and lab methods. The paper put forward a compelling case for supporting the density dependence movement at the time. I tend to agree with Kat that some of the assumptions seem far-fetched. The distinction between functional and numerical responses to change in prey or predator dynamic was a nice way of simplifying and catching lots of counter arguments to his assertion of strict density dependence. Again though the numerical part of this makes some assumptions that might be difficult to justify under scrutiny.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I thought Holling’s experimental design was exceptional even with flaws, like Kat mentioned. The pine plantation’s uniformity seems to allow for laboratory-like conditions. Holling bridges a big gap his contemporaries (e.g. Leslie) were unable to do-- using ecology theory/modeling in the field like Holling did with predator-prey dynamics. I think the overall value of Holling’s study far exceeds the flaws.

    On anthropocentric: I disagree with Dunbar on this one. I think Holling does use anthropocentric in the normal sense. Holling changed “optimal curves” to “peaked curve” because optimal is subjective and typically has an anthropocentric bias. “Optimal curves” for humans might be different for smalls mammals and even more so for the sawfly. In short, I think Holling is successful at being objective!

    Holling is still alive and lives in Canada. He furthered his word to include resilience. Check out his talk on "Resilience Dynamics": .

  6. Overall I thought Hollings paper was a nice estimation of predator/prey population fluctuations. I'm interested to know more about the impacts of his thought that predator density is a response to prey density. This seems intuitive to me, and seems to give the paper credibility. This being said, I do agree with Kat's statement that this is not an ideal representation of predation. Using rodents does not seem like an all-inclusive way to study the true effects of predation. While they are predators, they are not the typical predators that most would think of to represent a population. This can cause misleading results - there are still many factors that affect the population of these rodents besides they prey they depend on. The position within the ecosystem of the predator being studied should really be considered in order to get the best idea of population fluctuations.

  7. I thought this was a good paper. Did it simplify predator prey relationships, yes, but how can a better system present itself for this study. He had a pretty outstanding system to work with. Any flaws absolutely but what study system doesn’t. This experimental system was about as close to a lab setting as possible which is an amazing feat. I agree with Sami, the value of the study far exceeds any flaws.

  8. I agree with Dunbar that when reading this paper 55 years later some of the concepts seem common sense, and it is difficult to realize that papers like this one paved the way for theory that we learn in high school, or whenever we learned predator theory and population regulation. That said, it was an interesting read.
    I have to call foul on some of the comments however since I am a small mammal biologist. The only rodent in this study was the deer mouse, Peromyscus. Sorex and Blarina are shrews, which, up until not too long ago, were in the order insectivora. Based on the name of the order one can guess what they specialize on. Shrews are exceptional predators of insects and consume more than their body weight in insects daily. As far as rodents go, there are carnivorous rodents that not only feed on invertebrates, but will also prey upon other rodents, with the grasshopper mouse being a great example. The cool thing about including Peromyscus is that it is a generalist and will change its diet based on what is available, sort of like a bear, which I think most people would consider a predator. So, if we want to talk about a predator prey relationship to study I think this system is just as good as any other except that it has all the added benefits that Holling listed. As scientists we try to control as many variables as possible and this system gave Holling the ability to do that but still reflect reality.
    Enough small mammal rant.

  9. This was a fun paper. I think it is incredible how Holling was able to take advantage of the ideal outdoor laboratory with its precise uniformity and miniscule level of variation. He then continued on to compare these results to indoor laboratory manipulations in order to really pin point how various factors affect predator and prey abundance which I think is really amazing and surely demonstrates why this paper was included in the methodological advances section of the book. The results are not anything new that hadn’t been described previously by other studies but the fact that his methods were able to confirm some of these predator/prey interactions and that these interactions could actually be measured in the field rather than just theoretically is a great contribution to ecology.

  10. I really enjoyed his simplified laboratory and field sites used empirical models. I think in using small mammals, this study becomes easier control, as well as replicate- So using these carnivorous rodents does not seem like a design flaw to me. I find this paper to be very interesting especially when thinking about papers that we have read in the past. It seems that this paper had a large influence on the MacArthur and Pianka on optimal use of a patchy environment, according to the introduction. I am kinda interested if any papers today are using this type of "reductionist" approach to understand whole system dynamics.

  11. Uhhh. You know, I was wondering about the field set up when I was reading through that section. The difference between a patchy landscape that is completely natural and one that was controlled in this experiment for this patchiness would be substantial. Yet the ability to count the number of cocoons that were eaten versus not eaten was simplified with this design. I mean, you could add in a completely natural setting as an additional experiment to examine this difference as an update, but I did appreciate the set up for practical reasons.

  12. This paper clearly added to the previous works mentioned therein and seems to have formed the backbone of our current understanding of predator prey relationships. Moreover, I think the sawfly–insectivore and rodent predator model was more than sufficient to address the basic question set forth in this paper. However, I was a bit disappointed with the use of pine plantations, they are horrible places. Yes, I get that pine plantations are easy to work in and it reduces the number of variables that you have to account for but that’s because nothing else grows there and they should never be compared to the surrounding natural habitat. Does anyone know if this study has been replicated in a natural system? It would be quite an undertaking and probably wouldn’t add to our understanding of predator prey relationship in general but may provide a better understanding of the Blarina–Sorex–Peromyscus community.

  13. A great contribution. The author introduced us to prey and predator relationships using lab and field experiments. Although while I was reading the paper I was very curious about how the author decided on the groups understudy. The experiments that the author conducted are simple and easy to follow for the time of the publication
