Tuesday, October 20, 2015

An Ordination of the Upland Forest Communities of Southern Wisconsin, J. Roger Bray and J. T. Curtis (1957)

Atmospheric distributions!

Remember G. Evelyn Hutchinson’s definition of the fundamental niche as an n-dimensional hypervolume? In October of 1957, the same year Hutchinson makes his concluding remarks, Bray and Curtis publish a description of three dimensions constructed from quantitative plant community data. In contrast to the confined reductionist approach of C. S. Holling, Bray and Curtis seem animated by the spirit of exploration of the unknown, and a willingness to try to describe whatever they find. They have no hypotheses. Their stated goals are 1) to describe the compositional structure of a community; and 2) to look at patterns of interaction between biotic and abiotic phenomena. Their project is to map the complexity of “a field of interrelated units and events,” to build a broad foundation on which future scientists might discover causal connections.

In the introduction to this section, James H. Brown mentions that some people are less than enthusiastic about the impact of plant ordination studies. However, according to googlescholar.com, Bray and Curtis’ ordination paper has had 6,197 citations, 355 of them in 2015. Multivariate analysis, although begun using only adding machines and hole punches, must have had some impact.

In their brief literature review, Bray and Curtis go all the way back to Gleason’s 1910 prescient vision for a quantitative description of plant communities. They outline three basic schools of thought that have arisen since then, with different foci: 1) relationships of species to each other; 2) relationships of whole stands to each other; 3) demonstration of degree of relationship directly from analysis of quantitative data. They decide to combine relationships of whole stands with direct analysis of data.

Source and Treatment of Data
Bray and Curtis gather data from 59 representative, relatively undisturbed stands of vegetation in the southwestern half of Wisconsin. Using a random sampling technique, for each of the 59 stands, they make 38 measurements: density for 12 species of trees and total basal area for those 12 species (basal area, according to the USDA Forest Service glossary, is tree area in square feet of the cross section at breast height of a single tree), and frequency of 14 species of shrubs and herbaceous plants in regularly placed 1 m. quadrats. Scores for each stand are adjusted to relative values.

For their pairwise comparisons between stands, the plant ecologists discard the traditional correlation coefficient, “r,” as too insensitive. Instead, they use the Gleasonian coefficient of community “w,” the ratio of the species in common to the adjusted index for one stand (80). They arrive at 1711 values of w, and arrange them in a matrix.

Application of the Method
Rejecting previous analytical methods, they then constructed a 3-dimensional ordinate system with x, y, and z-axes, in which to project the data from their matrix. They inverted the values of the 1171 coefficients in the matrix (subtracted them from 80) to reflect their assumption that the greater the similarity of species between stands, the less distance there will be between those stands when plotted in the theoretical space. They constructed the scales for the axes using stands with farthest apart values (lowest w coefficients). A unit on any axis is defined as 1.

The plots on pages 580 and 581 show 3-dimensional axes of tree species; the plots on pages 582 and 583 show herbs and understory plants in 2 dimensions. All plots depict pairwise “distance” relationships between stands. Each dot or circle represents a stand; the size of dot or circle reflects species dominance as measured by basal area. For each species, the stands are plotted on three 2-dimensional graphs (the three possible combinations of the x, y, and z axes) that can be thought of as cubes, with the three graphs forming the front, top, and side of the cube. Please excuse me if I pause just a moment to say this is REALLY COOL! Please see the 3D model (Figure 7) on page 584, and the diagram (Figure 8) on page 586.

Mechanical Validity of the Ordination
Bray and Curtis test the accuracy of the 3-dimensional ordinate system by using a 3D version of the Pythagorean theorem. Distances in the ordinate system are compared to the coefficients of community in the matrix. A significant correlation is found (1% for 58 stand pairs and .1% for 11 reference stands). When the axes are tested for their ability to supply meaningful separation of the strands, however, the “z” axis is found lacking. It is retained for several reasons. The axes are also tested for their ability to produce random orientation of stands. They pass this test (they do not produce randomness).

Biologic Validity of the Ordination
By visualizing the 3D graphs, the species show all or part of an “atmospheric distribution,” where there is a center of concentration, and a diminishing radiation outward from that center. This is reminiscent of Gleason’s dune vegetation descriptions. Bray and Curtis point out that they have shown a 3D version of the concept of ecologic amplitude, and that compression into 2D gives contour-shaped patterns, while compression into 1D gives bell-shaped curves. They characterize the distribution and relationship of the patterns as “continuous variation,” and suggest that this is “evidence for individualistic theory of species distribution and for the continuum nature of community structure,” listing many past studies supported by their model.

While exercising caution about attributing causality, Bray and Curtis speculate about possible biologic meanings of their constructed axes. Correlation tests are done for all available environmental variables with the three axes. Patterns emerge:  for x, light, moisture, and temperature, relative to past fires; for y, soil moisture and aeration; for z, recent disturbance and amount of organic matter.

A. A couple of the assumptions in this paper are: 1) it makes sense to depict similarity of species as nearness in space; 2) the three types of measured quantities have equal weight (understory plant frequency, tree density, tree dominance). Are these good assumptions?
B. Would someone in our class please demonstrate the geometric technique of arc projection Bray and Curtis used for constructing their y and z-axes?
C. What do you think about this type of study in general? No hypothesis, no prediction, no testing of prediction—just an exploration.
D. Bray and Curtis write, “The nature of the causal role of factors shaping a community is an ultimate goal in ecology.” Do you agree? Why or why not?


  1. I am in the midst of writing up a stats plan for analyzing my sequence data and ordination is one of the first methods I plan to use. It is also likely to be one of the most useful visual aides in my final manuscript. That said it was useful to me to read the original paper that is still often highly cited in the ecological literature when ordination techniques are employed. Though the computational work involved in using ordination has greatly simplified the theory behind it is much the same. By removing units by using relative values comparisons are greatly simplified. Automation of the creation of the distance matrix is a big plus, but the idea is the same. The distance between points captures the similarity of two points relative to others and allows comparisons of sites and treatments by visual means on unit less axis representing many variables. I feel really lucky that thanks to software like r and primer creation of my ordination plot is likely to take a matter of hours where Bray and Curtis and many others must have spent unmentionable amounts of time creating such a plot.

  2. This is a highly influential paper in the way of methodology by allowing for multivariate analysis where “patterns of species and of environmental features had not been suspected before the application of multidimensional technique.” This is a super cool way of looking at data and trying to pull out patterns and relationships. I am using this very technique for my plant community data and like Eric it was great for me to read the seminal paper introducing this method of analysis so I was pleased to see that it was included in this book. It is still possible to test hypotheses using this method by comparing stands or sets of stands to each other in order to determine if they are significantly different from each other or not based on a given treatment, disturbance, environment, etc. I do agree that the nature of the causal role of factors shaping a community is an ultimate goal in ecology – we want to know why stuff happens the way it does in nature! These causal relationships allow us to predict outcomes which can be used in things like conservation. This method doesn’t exactly test for causal relationships but inferences can be made based on the patterns that show through especially if the original delineation of the study area is done adequately as is discussed in the first paragraph under “The Nature of the Gradients” section.

  3. This is a very influential paper using a novel approach to tease relationships using multidimensional ordinate system. A technique still used, with Eric and Martha as proof. I agree the figures and model produced by Bray and Curtis are really cool. As Eric mentioned, with R and other programs the process has been simplified making it easier to use in a multitude of situations. This paper fits nicely as a foundational paper.


  4. I agree with Martina, Eric and Matthew. The content of this paper highlights the importance of Statistics to analyze a data sets in ecology and any field within biological sciences. The methods are more useful for exploration analysis rather than hypothesis testing. I think we can gain a better insight by visual inspection of the data analyzed rather than testing our hypothesis. I agree also with the statement presented by both authors. I think is critical to understand the role of biotic and abiotic factors in shaping structure and composition of communities. Taking into account the importance of ordination techniques for populations genetics I was thinking for instance about the use of PCA in order to visualize matrix of genetic distances among species, which are closely related.

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  6. Very neat methods paper. I'd heard about these guys doing quantitative community analysis in the mid-20th Century (e.g. the Bray-Curtis distance metric), but had know idea that they'd figured out ordination techniques that could be done by hand without computers. The technique reminds me of geometry class, and it would be fun to try to do in class. Representing species (or community) similarity as a distance in space can certainly be useful both as a way to quantify the relationship among species assemblages at a site, and as a nice visualization tool. I do wonder about about the equivalence of different abundance metrics (basal area v. stem density v. cover etc.). This takes us back to the problem confronted by Harper, and it seems the lesson is that you just do the best you can and quantify these things as consistently as possible, but it's tricky to compare plant as different as trees and grasses. While hypothesis testing can be a useful mode of inquiry, I don't at all think it's necessary to make a good paper or study, especially in a messy science like ecology - many of the foundation papers are vehicles for synthesis, demonstration, and hypothesis-generation than hypotheses testing. As Martina points out, ordination can be used to test hypotheses, but I do think it can be more challenging to use in this way and most of the uses I've seen have been more exploratory in nature. B & C themselves point out and demonstrate the difficulty in interpreting the axes, and while ordination does seem like an essential technique for highly diverse systems (e.g. microbial communities), it's not always obvious what to make of the clouds of points that fall out. "Reading tea leaves" I've heard it called. I think it helps understand relationships and important axes of variation in community and environmental space, but I'm not sure it's ideal for getting at causality.

  7. This paper was a good read! After reading Bray and Curtis, I now see how far multivariate analysis has come, especially in the sense of technology: computers, R, and other programs. I think Brown makes some valid points on this paper in the introduction. First being ordinate analysis is hard to definitively prove a hypothesis. Although, the power of this paper is the introduction of multivariate analysis and its contribution our modern statistical analysis. I haven't completely developed the statistical analysis for my project, but I will definitely keep this paper in mind when I do.

  8. Very interesting paper. It was fascinating to read basically the ecological development of one of the most used modeling tools in modern biology. This paper strikes me as another paper that doesn't seem like much until you consider what ecology must have been like before these models were developed.

  9. Echoing the sentiments above, this paper was a great read and gave us all the chance to see where ordination originated from. It's obviously influential because of the method of analyzing communities Bray and Curtis came up with. I appreciate that they took the time to create an analyzing tool that felt useful to them, and has obviously proven to be useful for many people. Not only is this a great method they created, but I enjoyed reading about stands in Wisconsin - they seem like such an idyllic study site.

    Julie asked: A. A couple of the assumptions in this paper are: 1) it makes sense to depict similarity of species as nearness in space; 2) the three types of measured quantities have equal weight (understory plant frequency, tree density, tree dominance). Are these good assumptions?

    I would love to talk about this topic more in class. I think that depicting the similarity of species as being near to each other in space may be an alright assumption because most likely the conditions are the same for each individual to a certain extent. Where does one draw the line though, and start to call the same species different? I also disagree with their assumption that the three types of measured quantities have equal weight. As Dunbar mentioned, it's hard to compare the similarity of things like trees and grasses, and I think they may have not assumed fully correctly in this.

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